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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Telemarketing Terrors

I worked for the holiday season for a fairly large internet website that sold themed products, some of which were customizable. I was terrorized by people who insisted their items were delivered a day late, two days late, etc. I remember being able to look up account history, and one of the big arrows on the page was, "So-and-so made this purchase online from a home computer."

"Sir, it looks like you selected the 28th of December as the scheduled delivery date with standard shipping..."
"It didn't make it here before Christmas! I want my money back!"
"Sir, you placed this order December 16th. In order to have had it delivered by the 25th you would have needed to select that date on the shipping page."
"That said it would've been next day shipping! It would have cost me $25! That's more than the ornament is worth!"

Yeesh... and the guy couldn't take the time to order this a couple weeks earlier? Really?

Picture this 20x a day for 2 months straight.